Professional Organizers Collective Code of Ethics

The Professional Organizers Collective, LLC, hereby referred to as “the Collective” integrates a Code of Ethics as a set of principles that guide professional conduct with clients, colleagues, and community. Members of the Collective pledge to exercise judgement, self-restraint, and conscience in conduct to establish and maintain public confidence in the integrity of our members and to preserve and encourage fair and equitable practices among all who are engaged in our profession.


Working Relationships

·        I will serve my clients with integrity, competence, and objectivity, and will treat them with respect and courtesy.

·        I will offer services in those areas in which I am qualified and will accurately represent those qualifications in both verbal and written communications.

·        When unable or unqualified to fulfill requests for services, I will make every effort to recommend the services of other qualified organizers and/or other qualified professionals.

·        I will advertise my services in an honest manner and will represent the organizing profession accurately. 


·        I will keep confidential all client information, both business and personal, including that which may be revealed by other organizers.

·        I will use proprietary client information only with the client's permission.

·        I will keep client information confidential and not use it to benefit myself or reveal this information to others. 


·        I will decide independently and communicate to my client in advance my fees and expenses, I will charge fees and expenses which I deem reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with my experience, the services I deliver, and the responsibility I accept.

·        I will make recommendations for products and services with my client's best interests in mind. 


·        I will seek and maintain an equitable, honorable, and cooperative association with other Collective members and will treat them with respect and courtesy.

·        I will respect the intellectual property rights of my colleagues and will not use proprietary information or methodologies without permission.

·        I will act and speak on a high professional level so as not to bring discredit to the organizing profession.

·        I will adhere to the following principles, outlined in The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz when interacting with each other, with clients, and within the community:

 1. Be impeccable with our words

We will be forthright with our communications. We will remember that we all have the same goal in mind: to own and operate successful, purposeful, impactful organizing businesses that are run with honesty and integrity.

 2. Don’t take anything personally

In knowing that we all want the same thing, and that we value each other, we will not take anything personally. We understand that mistakes and/or disagreements may arise and that it is our responsibility to work through them in good faith, while honoring the integrity of the group and respecting each other’s perspectives.

 3. Don’t make assumptions

If something doesn’t feel right, bring it up. We will not assume that we know what one another are thinking. As a member of the Collective, support precedes action. We support each other first and foremost, and we communicate with clarity, keeping in mind the best of intentions towards individual members, as well as the whole.

 4. Always do our best

We will always do our best to support each other, the collective, our clients, neighbors, local communities, and our colleagues and peers nationwide. We will work hard, honoring our own and each other’s needs to bring the best of what each of us can offer to the clients that we service as members of the Collective.