Professional Organizers Collective Member Agreement

An Industry Specific Networking Collective, created for Elite Organizing and Productivity Professionals

The Professional Organizers Collective, LLC (The Collective) – Our mission is to be a source of information and education to our members, to provide networking opportunities to the Professional Organizers and Efficiency/Productivity Consultants within the group, and to continue to further promote and market a positive image of the Professional Organizing and Productivity Industry.


The Collective shall be nonsectarian, and nonpartisan and the logo, likeness, or names of any members shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interests or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the Collective.  In other words, please do not attend political rallies or protests or contribute to any campaign or political cause in the name of the Collective.

Collective members may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with professional organizing and productivity, but persons representing the Collective in such matters shall make no commitments that bind the Collective without prior approval.

Membership and Dues:

Standard and Executive Membership options are available. Annual dues will be billed following the year of joining the Collective, in the month of February. Payment is expected in full at the time of joining/renewing unless payment arrangements have been made. Member may choose to upgrade from Standard to Executive Level Membership at any time.


 A.    General meetings will be held bi-annually, in-person, in varying locations, retreat style, with video conferencing available. Meetings generally include a meal and light refreshments. Meetings are recorded and shared with all members in a follow-up-email link.

B.     An annual meeting will be held in the spring of each year with video conferencing available, also recorded and shared.


Collective members are required to abide by the Collective Code of Ethics. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action and removal from membership.


Any member or members having a complaint against another member for the infraction of any law or rule, or for conduct injurious to the Collective, may report in writing, including the facts of the case. The Collective director and Advisory board will review complaints and communicate individually with complainants and members complained against. From there, the director will document findings, determine if disciplinary action shall be taken, and shall notify in writing all parties involved within 7 days of review.

The member complained against may request a written appeal within 7 days of the disciplinary decision, which will be reviewed by the executive director and one additional advisory board member, as appointed by the director.

If the initial findings indicate removal from membership of the Collective, removal will become effective in 11 days assuming no valid appeal has been made.  If the appeal decision indicates removal from membership of the Collective, said removal will become effective immediately. Removed members must remove all public references and/or indications that they are affiliated with and/or a member of the Collective within 30 days of removal from membership. After one year has expired since removal of membership, said removed member can re-apply for membership.

Limitation of Liability:

 The Collective will strive to be responsive and keep all listings updated and will help cultivate an online and offline community of its membership. However, by joining the Collective, the member agrees that the Collective will exercise its own discretion in when and how often it updates its listings and information, online and in other media content. The Collective will choose when and where meetings of the members occur and will decide when and how to offer any additional membership benefits and if changes in pricing occur, the Collective will notify members in advance of any increases.

 Members also agree that the Collective will not be liable for any damages that may arise from the member’s listing with the Collective, or from any of the member’s participation in the Collective’s services, meetings, or events. The member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Collective from any such liability, including paying the Collective’s reasonable attorney’s fees if the Collective must defend itself from an action arising out of the Collective member’s conduct or participation.